Puszta Pentathlon

Puszta Pentathlon

In addition to the Plain Program, we offer a really fun, interactive game, the Puszta Pentathlon! The venue of the game is the grassy area in front of the Karikás Csárda, which borders the endless Plain.

Be it any team: corporate or student, small or large, nothing makes a team bond together as good as a game!

How the game works:

With the help of our colleagues – after creating the teams – the introduction of the racetracks, the description of the tasks and the distribution of the scorecards will begin.

The Puszta Pentathlon, just like the “real” one, consists of five challenges.

1. Horseshoe throwing

Each competitor throws three horseshoes into a cauldron suspended on a tree about 4-5 m away. A horseshoe successfully thrown gets you a point!

2. Hitting the jug with a bullwhip

The set up jug (replaced here by an empty wine bottle) must be crushed with a bullwhip by each competitor in three attempts.

3. Pushing a wheelbarrow

The team’s lightest weight competitor sits in the wheelbarrow. The other members of the team push the barrow avoiding poles. The game is timed.

4. Sack race

On the designated course, team members jump around the designated poles by slalom in a sack. Line race, the game is timed.

5. Pushing a straw bale

The team that completes the designated course the fastest gets the point.

Puszta penthatlon EN

Once each team has reached the end of the tracks, our colleagues will sum up the scores, announce the results, and then comes the award ceremony!

All the teams receive a certificate, the members of the winning team will be presented with a Hungarian red paprika necklace around their necks and a bottle of champagne.

The five activities of the game can be customised. Our further suggestions: Cracking the whip, corn shredding throwing the horseman’s hat, using a wine gourd, cart pulling, donkey riding etc.

Booking and cancellation: 48 hours before the start of the service.

Ask for a quote!